Machine Dressing
Whether you end up with unexpected weed seeds or foreign material in a load that needs to be graded out or may instead be needing your grain machine dressed to meet specific contract requirements, we can get the job done.
We have a high capacity screen grader as well as a gravity table so that we can remove what is not wanted and ensure as much as possible is kept of good grain.
We also have a number of storage silos that are setup to feed into the grading system which can allow a large amount of grain to be brought in at once for future cleaning.
We happily service clients who have had loads rejected in Brisbane or elsewhere that need to be graded clean before redelivery.
We can even offer all-in-one solutions where we unload here, grade clean and then redeliver to your desired destination.
So no matter how little or how much grain you have to grade please contact us and we can tailor a solution to meet your needs.