Grain Transport

Gehrke Ag have a fleet of heavy vehicles and tippers setup to specialise in grain transport.
We also have a range of reliable, trusted and professional sub-contractors – whom we have known and dealt with for many years.
Regardless of the commodity or tonnage you need moved, we can get it done in the most efficient and timely way given our fleet consists of a diverse range of combinations.
Grain Transport Configurations:
- Singles (approx. 26 tonnes)
- Truck & 4 Axle Dogs (32-40 tonnes)
- Truck & 5 Axle Dogs (approx. 41 tonnes)
- B-Doubles (approx. 40 tonnes)
- Road Trains (53-59 tonnes)
- Triples (65-70 tonnes)
Please call our logistics manager, Adrian Snell, on 07 5465 6695 or 0437 353 848 to book or enquire about grain cartage and he will be happy to assist.