Grain Sales
Gehrke Grain Services offer a range of high quality grains and liquid feed supplements for sale to the public. These grains are sourced from farms in the local area as well as the Darling Downs, Western Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
Our liquid feeds are made on site using special formulas created by our animal nutritionist.
Whether you’re looking to make horse or livestock feed or to simply feed a few backyard chooks, you can purchase anything from a 20 kg bag up to a bulk bag with a tonne or more. (Minimum bulk order 300kg.) Several of our customers bring their own bins and containers to fill with grain ranging from 44-gallon drums and wheelie bins to IBCs and larger bulk containers.
We can fill directly into your containers for your ease of management and rodent protection once home. We have a minimum applicable specified on the price list.
This weight will fit in a 44-gallon drum in size container easily (except for Black Sunflowers which you will require 2 x 44-gallon drums to meet the minimum weight requirement). Just don't forget that unloading your containers full of grain can be a heavy job so you need the capacity to manage this once home.
Buy from our website or call to place an order. Small quantities of 20kg bags are kept on hand for a drop in collection but we always appreciate a heads up to ensure we don't run out of stock.