Liquid Stock Feed
The AGRiliq range of products are scientifically developed, high density liquid protein and energy stock supplements ideal for inclusion in intensive feedlot and dairy rations or as a base for extensive pasture feeding.
Being a suspension our products have a long shelf life without settling like some or our competitors mixes.
Our standard lines include:
Agrimol – A free flowing molasses based product developed to maintain a high viscosity irrespective of temperature.
Equiliq – A vitamin and mineral supplement ideally suited to horse nutrition in Australian conditions.
AllLiq – A product designed to provide trace nutrients to all animal species.
Cattle Paddock – A product designed for cattle which increases live weight gain, increases digestibility of low quality forage fibre and aids in reproduction performance.
Custom mixes for Feedlot Ration or TMR Booster or Bloat Buster are available on request.